Tag Archives: animal welfare

I Am Only One

After viewing Seaspiracy and then the equally disturbing companion documentary Cowspiracy  my heart felt bruised. I’m ashamed of what mankind is capable of doing to sentient beings.

In order to heal my heart and feel some sense of control, I  return to these quotes.

Empowering words. And, I might add, no one is too old to make a difference either. Maybe that is the best time of all, when the distractions  of youth have passed and there’s time for reflection. And action. Every day.


McHappy Eggs!

McDonaldshappy eggThe news today is good. McDonald’s has decided to serve only eggs laid by hens living  in cage-free conditions. This will greatly improve the lives of millions of chickens who, until now, were packed into cages so small they couldn’t walk, spread their wings or engage in natural behaviours. I suspect this move is a result of a shift in the public’s awareness about animal welfare.

cage free hens

cage free or free run hens

free range chickens

free range hens

However, the news could be even better. The best choice is to use only eggs from free range chickens, hens that are free to express natural behaviours while roaming indoors and outdoors. Being cage-free is an improvement in living conditions, but the barns can still be extremely overcrowed will little or no room to move or flap wings.

A friend recently lamented the trouble he had when purchasing eggs. There are so many options – Omega 3, Free Range, Free Run, Organic. What does it all mean?

My advice was to reach for the Free Range Certified Organic ones. It’s just the right thing to do.